“Is that new?”

observantI can’t count how many times I have looked at my wife Starla, and then noticed the shirt or outfit she was wearing, and then asked her if it was new? Most of the time she tells me, “No, it’s not new!” Then, she tells me when and where she bought it. (I mean the exact time and place.) Which is an uncanny ability to recall information. But I know most women are like that. My wife can tell me what she was wearing at just about any event in her life. I’m lucky if I can remember where my clothes are, much less when I wore them.

Anyway, I know that I need to be more observant, especially when it comes to what article of clothing my wife is wearing.

But life in general is the same way. There are so many things that are going on around us in life. If we are not careful we will miss many of the beautiful things happening right in front of our very eyes.

Have you noticed a sunrise or sunset lately? Have you paid attention to some of the unique cloud formations? Have you seen kindness in people toward total strangers? Have you noticed how fast your children or grandchildren are growing up? Have you heard their new words or the original way they say certain words? Have you heard a song that had special meaning and slowed down long enough to listen to every word?

Pay attention today. Be intentional. Live slower than normal today. Don’t be in such a hurry. Allow your senses a chance to take in the life around you today. I know, some of you rush through life to avoid the pain of your circumstances. But at the same time, you are missing some of the healing moments, that God has placed in your day, to make it part of your healing process.

The word of the day is observant. Be more observant today. It will make your life better.

Luke 21:36 “But keep on the alert at all times,”

Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges

Check out this video to see how unobservant we really can be.
