Hot! Hot! Hot!

donutI live 3.8 miles from the gym where I work out. There is one bakery, one Starbucks, two gas stations with convenience stores and three donut shops, all, in between my house and my gym. Now they have opened a Krispy Kreme donut shop right smack in between my house and my gym. Are you kidding me? That will be four donut shops that I have to pass going and coming, in order to get a work out. But now the “HOT” sign will be flashing. Hot! Hot! Hot! I can hear it now, saying, “Come to me!” That sign is like a hypnotic trance that is impossible to overcome.

This is where real concentration is going to have to take over.

I can hear myself saying this scripture below, every day on my way to the gym.

Matthew 16:23 “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me;

But this isn’t any different from any other type of temptation that comes our way in life. You just have to concentrate on the bigger picture and know that there will always be stumbling blocks on your pathway to success. Don’t let the enemy of your destiny win.

The word of the day is concentrate.

Keep focused, stay determined, don’t give up and win this battle. You will make your life better.