Never Give Up!

never give upWhat do you do when everything in your life has fallen apart and your dreams have been crushed and your hope is gone?

You can blame God or you can blame yourself. But you know what I have decided? I have decided that it’s not God’s fault. I have also decided, that in most cases, it’s not my fault.

So who do we blame? No one. Choose not to blame, instead choose to believe.

Read this scripture below and see what I am talking about.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9, 14 “We often suffer, but we’re never crushed. Even when we don’t know what to do, we never give up. In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again… BECAUSE WE KNOW God raised the Lord back to life. And just as he raised Jesus, he will also raise us back to life, and will bring us into his presence together.” 

The very fact that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, gives me the hope and confidence that God will raise me up as well. All I have to do is, NEVER GIVE UP, just GET UP AGAIN! So instead of blaming, I choose to believe…that God will rebuild my hope and restore my faith and renew my mind and revitalize my dreams.

The word of the day is “Never Give Up! ”