The tennis ball!

KazI have a dog that loves to chase a tennis ball. I can throw the ball and he will run like crazy to go get it. He will knock over plants, little children and even run into and sometimes through walls, just to get that tennis ball. I can just pick up the tennis ball and he starts getting excited.

He can find that tennis ball almost anywhere in the house. I can hide it in the laundry room, inside a cabinet or on top of the fireplace mantle, and even when it is completely out of sight, he will smell it and find it.

What is it that gets you excited about life?

What is that gets your heart beating, your blood flowing, your adrenaline pumping and your imagination working?

Each of us have something in life that really gets us motivated about getting out of bed in the morning. What is your motivation? Is it knowledge, servanthood, money, relationships, business, peace, justice, equality, salvation or freedom? There is something that excites you. Find out what that is and you’ll probably find your purpose in life.

The word of the day is exciting. Your purpose in life will cause you to get excited, motivated, encouraged and focused.

Acts 13:36 “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep;

You have a divine purpose. Find it, serve it and be blessed.

Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges