A New Look!

New LookHave you ever been up on a lookout tower or on the top floor of a high-rise building? When you look down to ground level, it is amazing how small everything seems. Cars and people look like little ants walking around below.

Recently, I drove past a business that was putting a sign at the top of their building. The sign looked gigantic. The next day as I drove by I noticed that it had been attached to the top of their 5 story building. The sign didn’t look nearly as big as it did when it was on the ground.

Have you ever put a penny in front of your eye? It completely blocks your view. You are unable to see around it. But if you will extend your arm and the penny away from your eye, you are able to see around the penny.

The point is this. Things seem so much bigger when you are close to it. Sometimes it is necessary to back away. Give yourself some space and get a different perspective on your problem.

If there is something that is overwhelming you right now, back away from it for a little while.

It might be a family, relationship issue or it could be a business related issue. If you need to see things a little clearer, back away and allow yourself to see things from a different point of view.

Luke 21:28 (TLB) “So when all these things begin to happen, stand straight and look up! For your salvation is near.”

Sometimes, a different way to look at things, changes everything.

The word of the day is “a new look.”