Too Close, Too Careless!

It was an overcast Sunday afternoon. I had just finished preaching three amazing services. I still had one more to go. Starla and I had just eaten a lovely lunch with our beautiful family, when I quickly stopped by my house to freshen up before the last service of the day. We had experienced some rain and high winds the night before and so I thought I better check the pool and make sure the patio furniture was not in the water. I noticed the pool vacuum hose was tangled. In a bit of a rush, I knelt down and began to untangle the hose. As I pulled on the hose, I lost my balance. Everything from that point on was in slow motion. I felt myself tipping toward the water, but I could nothing to stopped my forward fall. Fully dressed, with my iphone and wallet in my pocket, I fell into my pool. I was able to twist around and at least keep my hair from getting wet. What a goober!

The truth is, I just got too close and too careless.  Unfortunately, we do the same thing with sin. We get too close and too careless. When we do, we often find ourselves falling into something that we never dreamed we would.

Don’t live your life seeing how close to sin you can get and still be alright. Live your life seeing how far from sin you can live and still be alright. That’s the word of the day.

Proverbs 6:27-28 “Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? 28 Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched?”