I’m a Lousy Christian!

lousy“I’m a Lousy Christian!”

One of my leaders, in my church, was standing in my office one day. Just before he walked out, he said, “Pray for me Pastor, I’m a lousy Christian.” I asked him, “What do you mean?”

He said, “I don’t pray enough, I don’t read my Bible enough. He said, I’m way too cynical, I still have anger issues. I’m a lousy Christian.”

At one point in my self-righteous, holier than thou, past, I would have laid hands on him and prayed for him. We would have walked out of my office with me having upheld the impossible standard of a very spiritual Pastor who is above the struggles of humanity.

But as I listened to him and was completely honest with myself, I looked at him and said, “Wow, that sound exactly like me. I’m a lousy Christian too. I don’t pray enough or read my Bible enough. I am cynical and I have anger issues too.” (mostly in rush hour traffic)

His words to me were self-deprecating. But they were also an awareness to me of my own shortcomings. I simply told him, “l’ll pray for you and you pray for me.” Which is exactly what we should be doing.

The word of the day is “Pray for me, I’ll pray for you.”

Hebrews 10:25 “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another.”