If you care, share!

shareMost guys don’t really like sharing. If we drive through McDonald’s and ask our wife what she wants and she responds, “Nothing, I’ll just have some of yours.” We are thinking to ourselves, “Oh no you won’t. I’ll be happy to buy you your own extra-large French fries. Just leave mine alone.” But we don’t usually say it. But we’re thinking it. I know every person has some degree of a struggle when it comes to sharing. Some small, some great. It goes against our carnal nature.

A Mercedes Benz TV commercial has a camera follow their car as it collides with a cement wall during a safety test. The car comes through the test amazingly well — far less damage to the body than you would expect, and leaving the crash dummy without a mark. A man then interviews the company spokesman, asking him why they do not enforce their patent on Mercedes Benz’s energy-absorbing design, especially since they know their design is being copied by other companies. The spokesman simply looks at him and says, “Because some things in life are too important not to share.”

In other words, Mercedes Benz is more concerned about saving lives than they are protecting their rights. Something that will save lives is just too important not to share.

What do you have to share today? Do you have love, forgiveness, hope, care, concern, wisdom gleaned or lessons learned? Could you make someone’s life better today by sharing.

Luke 6:38 “Give and it will be given to you.”

The word of the day is share. Speak it and share it for a better life.