Seek me with all your heart!

seekI really don’t remember how old I was, but I know that I couldn’t swim yet. We were at my Grandparents farm in East Texas. My older brother had lifted me up onto his shoulders and was walking out in to the deeper end of the pond. He stepped into a hole and we both toppled over. I didn’t know how to swim on top of water. But I could manage under water if necessary. It was necessary. As I splashed into the water, I immediately turned in the direction that I thought was toward the bank and began to swim like a tadpole as fast as I could. When my hand reached shore I popped up from under water to get my breath.

That’s when I saw the heart of my father. You see when my father saw us fall, he waited for a moment and when only my brother came up and I did not, he immediately dove into the water and began frantically searching for me. I remember seeing him come up for air and then diving right back into the water and searching again. Over and over he continued until finally we were able to get his attention and let him know that I was safe on the shore.

The word of the day is seek.

Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

If you want something bad enough, you will seek for it with all your heart.

Go after your dreams. Go after what matters most. Go after what is important. It will make your life better.