Not here, not now!

I was talking to someone the other day who was having some tremendous pain in their body. They did not know what was causing the pain. It was creating concern and even some fear. A few days later, they received a diagnosis, that they could be treated with some medication and little bit of rest. The recovery process was painful. But she told me, she could handle the discomfort knowing that it was only going to last a little while.

Matthew 27:59-60 Joseph (from Arimathea, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus) took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, 60 and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock.

Isn’t it interesting that Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb? Some have asked the question, “Why didn’t Jesus, the Son of God, have a more glamorous or permanent place to be buried? Shouldn’t the King of kings have had a permanent place for His body to be laid?

Well I guess not. When you are only going to need the tomb for three days, there is no need to waste money on buying a permanent burial plot.

I just feel like I need to tell someone, to not lose hope, because of your present circumstances. Don’t give up believing or don’t stop dreaming about something better. What God has planned for you is bigger than you have imagined. I know you are facing an impossible and overwhelming challenge right now. But listen, this is not where you are going to spend the rest of your life. So don’t make any long term plans right here, right now. You are about rise up from this present tragedy and step into your destiny. Get ready for a resurrection.

The word of the day is, not here, not now. Tell your circumstances that you are moving on.