The Impact of Prayer

impact-of-prayerI stopped to grab a bite to eat at an East Texas restaurant recently. As I walked in I quickly noticed that everyone in the restaurant was wearing camo. It was as if everyone had just climbed out of a deer stand and in to their trucks to go eat a late breakfast. There were only six or seven parties in the small diner. But one party was made up of about twenty people. It was obvious that it was a three generational family seated together for a meal.

When their food arrived, the grandfather of the family took off his hat and announced to the family, “Let’s pray!” one by one, every other man took off their hat. Some of the adults ordered the young kids at the other end of the table to quiet down, it was time to pray.

The grandfather began his prayer and his voice carried through the entire room. There was an instant hush in this now sacred establishment. I happened to look over at another table where a man and his wife were sitting. I glanced their way just in time to notice her nudge him with her elbow. He looked back at her, as if to say, “What did I do”? She nodded toward the table that was praying. He instantly and apologetically removed his hat and bowed his head. As he offered his expression of reverence, I caught myself bowing my head, even though I was half-way finished with my meal.

Prayer has a great impact not only on you, but also on others as well. Never be ashamed to pray. It has more power than you think.

Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”