Reality Check!

As one year comes to a close, and a new year begins to dawn, it is always time to think about our goals, hopes, and wishes for the year ahead and to set our New Year’s Resolutions. Stay with me, even if you hate New Year’s Resolutions.

If you listen to the talk show hosts and the morning news anchors they will tell you how to make the new year, your best year. (Why not? They’re experts, right?)

They give you advice on everything, to find health, wealth and happiness.

We are told we need to eat certain foods every day:

  • 4 veggies,
  • 3 fruits,
  • 2 proteins,
  • and a partridge in a pear tree.

Each day you need…

  • 30 minutes of cardio,
  • 15 minutes of strength training,
  • 10 minutes of stretching.
  • Plus, some extra time for meditation so that your body and mind can align. And some other new age mumbo jumbo, right?

The bottom line is this, Yes, there are certain strategies that will work for you to help you have your best year ever. But not everyone’s strategy is the same. You need to find what works for you and then go for it and stick to it. A plan is better than no plan.

Find what matters most to you. Find what you believe helps you best accomplish God’s divine call for your life, then just do it.

Your dreams matter, your plans matter. They were placed in you by God. So, find the best way to make those dreams become a reality. Then, make those dreams become a reality. The word of the day is reality. I declare that you will see your heart’s desire become a reality in this new year.

Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV) “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

Have a better day my friend.