

guadalupe riverOur family was floating on tubes down the Guadalupe River, enjoying the sun and the shade and the coolness of the water, on a summer vacation. The river is relatively calm, but there are a few spots where the small rapids may tip your tube over.

Starla and I had just gone through one of those rapids and behind me was Hunter, our youngest daughter. She hit the rapid just right, or “wrong,” and her tube flipped. She was trapped in the water unable to move at all. Fearing that she was drowning, her big brother Kolt, who was coming along behind, jumped in and rescued her from the water.

He was her hero. Many times she has thanked him for saving her life.

The word of the day is rescue. Did you know that God gives us all an opportunity to rescue others through relationship.

God rescued us through His Son Jesus. Now we should rescue others.

Colossians 1:13 “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,”

We can rescue others by holding them accountable, offering counsel, wisdom and discernment. Best of all, just being a friend. We all need each other. Together, we are better.