Aim for Something Worthwhile!


AimAt the time all four of our kids lived at home, we had a New Year’s Eve and Fourth of July tradition. We would have Roman candle fights. Now this is probably one of those stories that you will not want your kids to read. I don’t claim to have exercised adequate wisdom in all of my parenting endeavors. But we sure had a lot of fun.

We would all gather in the Cul-de-Sac in front of our home and light our Roman Candles at the same time. After everyone’s candles were lit we would then begin to chase each other shooting fire balls at one another. I know what you are thinking, “Couldn’t someone lose an eye that way?” Yes, possibly. But we prayed for God to protect us. 🙂

We aimed below the waist. We tried to stay away from the head. We all still have our eyes, so I think we were successful. We did ruin a few good shirts though.

My point is this, the goal was to aim not to hurt anyone. Aim is the word of the day.

If you aim for nothing you will hit it every time.

You have to make sure you are aiming at the right thing. Aim for a life that pleases God. Aim for unity. Aim for teamwork.

Having a proper aim is a key to a better life.

2 Corinthians 5:9 “Therefore, whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to be pleasing to Him.”