Stretch Your Faith!


stretchYou can do more than you realize. You are stronger than you think. You have grown more than you are giving yourself credit for. You have accomplished, advanced, increased, expanded, overcome and delivered more than many people thought you would.

Don’t focus on your failures and weaknesses, focus on your victories. Your “wins” in life give you the fuel to keep trying again.

When my two sons were both learning to play their instruments, I tried to give them every opportunity to exercise their gift.

With Kolt on the drums and Dandy on the guitar, I had them play in the early 8:00am service at our church. I was leading the worship at that time, so I would pick songs in the keys that were easy for Dandy to play in. I remember one day when I showed him the list of songs, all in the keys of G, C, or D, he looked at me and said, “Daddy, I can play in more keys than that.” I asked, “What other keys can you play in?” He responded, “All of them.”  I was surprised! He had accomplished that without me realizing it.

Here’s my point. There are things that you have accomplished that you are not giving yourself the credit for.

Focus on the accomplishments and stay motivated to move forward. You can’t change the past, so quit looking back there.

Stretch is the word of the day. Stretch yourself to keep moving forward. Stretch yourself to believe. Stretch yourself to achieve. Stretch yourself to recognize how far you have come.

Philippians 4:13 (NIV) “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”