Pray Today!


prayThe word of the day is “Pray in the Spirit.” Prayer is a good thing to do in all circumstances. But sometimes it’s the only thing to do. Especially when you don’t know exactly how to pray. That’s when you pray in the Spirit.

Romans 8:26 “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”

When my son Dandy was still in High School, he and I had gone deer hunting in East Texas. We were curled up in a tent about 11:00pm on a cold Friday night, resting for the early morning Saturday hunt. To my surprise my cell phone rang and it was my son Kolt, who was a freshman in college at this time. In a frantic voice he explained that he had just been the victim of a hit and run. Someone had run a red light and t-boned his car in the middle of the intersection and then left the scene. Fortunately he and everyone in the car was fine.

He called to ask me what to do. Have you ever felt helpless? Here I was in a tent in the middle of the woods, 250 miles from my son who had just been in a car accident. I remember thinking the only thing I can do is pray. When all of a sudden Kolt said, “Hold on Dad, a police officer just pulled up and he saw the whole thing.” Everything turned out just fine.

Thankfully, even though Kolt’s car had been bent into the shape of a horseshoe, he was still able to drive it home.

When you think, all you can do is pray, remember, sometimes prayer is all you need to do.