Attitude is Everything!


attitude 1Recently, Starla and I were in New Orleans visiting our good friends Doug and Rachel McAllister, Pastors of Journey Fellowship.

On our visit we were walking through the market area of downtown New Orleans when we were approached by “Tim.” Tim told us his story of his battle with cancer. He had a great attitude about life, even though his present struggles were many. He had Starla and me rolling in laughter.

He looked down at my “Chucks” and he bet me that he could tell me where I got my shoes. (City, state and location) Well I knew it had to be a con, but I was more interested in seeing what the con was, than whether or not I got my shoes shined. So I said, “You’re on.” That’s when he reminded me that he said,” he could tell me where I got my shoes, not bought my shoes.” He said, “You got your shoes, on your feet in the city of New Orleans and in the state of Louisiana.” So I got a shoe shine.

The word of the day is attitude. Tim had one of the best attitudes of any con man, I mean shoe shiners I have ever met. Life doesn’t always give us sunshine. Sometimes it storms. Life doesn’t always give smooth paths to walk on, sometimes the road is rough. Life doesn’t always go as we had planned, sometimes it gives you delays, detours and distractions. But if you will keep a good attitude through it all, you will find that life is so much more enjoyable and you can conquer anything. Keep a good attitude today.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.