Let’s Laugh!


laughterLaughter is the word of the day.

Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart does good, like a medicine.”

What does that mean? It means that laughter is good for you.

Paul McGhee, Ph.D. said, “Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health.”

When Starla and I were going through rebuilding trust and restoring our marriage, there wasn’t a lot to laugh about. Our lives had been turned upside down. We had lost everything that we had ever known, our church, our home, even most of our friends that we thought we had, walked out as well.

At the time, both our daughters, Summer and Hunter had friends that were very funny. There were times that we told our girls to invite their friends over, because we knew they would make us laugh.

It may seem kind of silly, but those moments of laughter were healing for us. It really did work like a medicine.

Laughter is known to work in similar ways as a mild workout would benefit you. Increased blood flow, heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen, all from laughing. It is even known to BURN CALORIES! That’s right, burn calories. So, if you can’t make it to the gym today, and you choose to stay home and watch a good sitcom that makes you laugh, at least you know the entire time is not wasted.

Let’s face it, laughter is much better than worrying, fretting, arguing, complaining or being depressed. Go ahead and laugh and make your day better.