Not the God you Expected?

unexpectedOn the Sunday before Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, Jesus made an unexpected entrance into the city of Jerusalem. No doubt the Jewish people were looking for a “Messiah,” someone to save them and deliver them from the tyranny of Rome. However, Jesus makes an entrance on a donkey! Not quite what you would expect from your deliverer, your “knight in shining armor.” I would have expected him to ride in on a white Stallion, or on a chariot, or even being carried by servants, but a donkey?

Throughout my life, I have learned that God has always done the unexpected. Just think about it.

  • He sends David, a scrawny teenager to defeat a nine foot tall giant named Goliath.
  • He sends Moses, who doesn’t speak well, to go speak to the most powerful man on the planet. Moses tells Pharaoh to release the Jews from slavery and he does.
  • God tells Abraham and Sarah that they will have a son. The only problem is that Abraham and Sarah are 90 and 100 years old. God always seems to do the unexpected.

The Jewish people were expecting a physical deliverer. But what they didn’t expect was Jesus. Your deliverer has come. He just might not have come in the way you expected Him to.

Raise your expectations. Raise your hopes. Raise your head and look upward, your deliverer has come.

Matthew 19:26 (NIV) Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

The word of the day is unexpected. Get ready for God to do the unexpected in your life today. I promise it will be better.