Three Things You Need to Succeed!

DreamsThere are three simple things you need to achieve your God-given goals.

No. It’s not money. No, it’s not connections. No, it’s not a big break. No. it’s not a millionaire friend or husband. (all of those would be nice!)

However, those aren’t the deciding factors to your success.

To achieve your God-given dreams and goals, you need only three things:

  1. A clear, definable understanding of WHAT God wants you to achieve.
  2. A burning passion for WHY this dream should be accomplished.
  3. A strategy for HOW to accomplish this dream and goal.

Every Dream (the WHAT) needs a compelling reason (the WHY) it should be accomplished. But without a strategy, (the HOW) the dream will always remain a dream.

Write down the WHAT, the WHY and the HOW today. Keep it in front of you everyday. Take one step toward it each day. In time, you will see your dreams become a reality.

The word of the day is What, Why and How?

Habakkuk 2:2 “Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.”