Surrender or Struggle?

surrenderLife can oftentimes be a struggle. That’s no new revelation.

We struggle with relationships. There always seems to be some kind of conflict, misunderstanding or confusion, even with those we love the most.

We struggle with ourselves. We have fears and worries. We have frustrations and temptations. We struggle with finances and health.

We struggle with questions that don’t seem to have answers. Let’s face it, we also struggle with God. We struggle with His timing, His wisdom, His plan or His agenda. It doesn’t always line up with our own plan.

Genesis 3:17 says, “Because you have (sinned)…all your life you will struggle.”

That doesn’t sound very encouraging. It may not sound encouraging. But at least we know God isn’t hiding the truth. We will have struggles.

So what do we do with the struggles?

The way to win the struggle is to surrender it to God. The word of the day is surrender. There is no need for you both to worry about it. If God says, “give it to Him, ” then go ahead and give it to Him.

Surrender your struggles to God today.

Have an awesome day.