Cast your Cares!

cast1Have you ever struggled to untie a knot in a string, rope or a shoelace? You finally give up and hand it over to someone else, and with no difficulty they untie the knot. Ugh!

Have you every struggled to find your lost car keys? You finally ask someone for help and they tell you exactly where they are?

Have you ever tried to refold a map or put something back in its original box, only to conclude it cannot be done? Then someone does it.

This is the way life goes. It’s a struggle.and way too often we struggle with things that we don’t need to. Often we struggle with things longer than we should, because we are too prideful to ask for help. We think, “surely if I can’t do it, no one else can either.” Or maybe its fear, stubbornness, insecurity or any number of things that keep us from allowing others to help us.

I have a proposition for you. Actually God has a proposition for you.

Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

The next time you find yourself struggling with something, try giving it to Jesus. Just cast it upon Him. He wants to take care of it for you.

Why don’t you try that today? There’s no sense in both of you worrying about something. God says, “give it to Him.” So why are you still carrying it? Cast it on Jesus.

The word of the day is cast. Cast all your cares on Him.