Just Go!

KazStarla and I have a dog. He is a Yorkshire Terrier. (Yorkie)

There are times when he acts as if he doesn’t hear a word we are saying. (Very annoying) But he definitely knows what it means when we ask him, “Do you want to go bye-bye? He knows that means, we are getting in the car and going somewhere. He doesn’t care where. He just gets excited to “go.”

The word of the day is go.

Did you know that as followers of Jesus, we are commanded to go?

Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the good news.” Mark 16:15.

I bet God wished we all would get as excited as my dog, when He asks, “Do you want to go?

Does that mean that we are supposed to board a plane and go somewhere and all become missionaries? No, but some will be called to do that.

But here is another way of looking at this divine call.

Matthew 10:7 says, “As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’

As you go to work, share the good news.

As you go to school, share the good news.

As you go to the grocery store, share the good news.

As you go…be the good news.