Hugged Today!

KindnessI was hugged today by a big giant sweaty guy!

Does that sound weird? It was to me. I was at the gym, with Starla working out. I was getting ready to use a certain weight machine, when I noticed a cell phone that had fallen underneath the machine. I picked it up and turned it in to the front desk. No big deal. I knew someone would come asking for it. I went back to the machine to continue my workout. That’s when this big, giant, sweaty guy ran up to me, all frantic and panicked. He was looking all around the weight machine. I knew he was the guy. Before I even had a chance to tell him where his phone was, he looked at me with desperation and asked, if I had seen a cell phone. That’s when I told him, I had just turned it in to the front desk. He looked me in the eye, threw his arms open and said, “I love you man,” as he wrapped me up in his big, sweaty, body and gave me a bear hug. It was a little awkward.

It was a small gesture of kindness that made a big impact on that person.

Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Don’t miss an opportunity to do good to someone by thinking it is too small of an act of kindness. You never know what an impact it will have. The word of the day is gesture of kindness. Look for ways to be kind today. It will make your life better.