Sometimes, you just gotta believe!


Kanon praying for a girlWhen my grandson was only 4 years old, he was still old enough to understand the power of prayer. One of his classmates was sick. So Kanon did what every child of God should do. Lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I love this childlike faith. When Kanon found out she was sick, he did what he had been taught to do, believe God through prayer to heal her. So he asked if he could pray for her. You must remember he is only four years old. Major shout out to some great parents, Kolt and Laura. Way to go!

“Sometimes you just gotta believe.” Believe is the word of the day.

I know you have doubts if things will be different this time. I know you have fears of being hurt again. I know you have reasons why you should never trust again. I know you have mountains that you think you can’t climb.

But sometimes you just gotta believe!

Hebrews 11:6 “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.”

I challenge you today to speak this word over your situation today. Speak this word over your lack and disappointment. Tell yourself to believe again. There is a miracle assigned to you. Just believe.