I Love Surprises!

surpriseStarla and I have four wonderful children. But we didn’t plan our first child and we didn’t plan our last child.

We were married for three months when we found out Starla was pregnant. Our first son, Kolt was born one week before our first anniversary. We then had two more children, Dandy and Summer Star and thought that we were finished with three children. Then God surprised us with one more beautiful baby girl, Hunter Sky.

God’s plan was different, bigger and better than our plan.

Some people call an unplanned pregnancy a mistake. They couldn’t be more mistaken.

Mistakes? Are you kidding me? Surprises, yes? But I like surprises. Surprises are what makes life so much fun.

I love this verse below.

Proverbs 19:21You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.”

If your life is committed to Christ, there will be detours form your plans in order for God to fulfill His plan in your life.

You never need to worry or regret a change in your direction. God always knows what is best. He always has your best interest in His mind.

Trust Him today and let His purpose prevail in your life.

The word of the day is surprise.

Let God surprise you today!