Bless or Curse!

bless 9-24-15

I recently walked into the sanctuary of my church just after the service had begun. I saw a young lady near the back whom I had a conversation with just a few weeks earlier. She had told me that she liked sitting in the back of the church. I know some like the back and some like the front. Everyone has their own preference. But as I walked past her, I glanced over, she looked my way and I said, “Hey, there’s my backslider!” I smiled, she smiled back, and I walked on toward the front row where I sit.

As I stood there during worship, my words kept going over and over in my head, “Hey, there’s my backslider!” That’s not what I had intended to say at all. I had intended to say, “Hey, there’s my back row sitter.” But it just came out differently. I felt the Holy Spirit convict me that I had spoken something very negative over her life. So right in the middle of worship, even though I was about to walk on the platform and take the service, I made my way to the back of the church and I tapped her on the shoulder. I apologized for calling her a backslider. I explained that I didn’t intend to say that at all. I intended to say, “back row.” She laughed and said, “I knew what you meant.”

The whole situation was just another wake up call to me about how important and powerful our words are.

I never want to be guilty of speaking negative words over anyone. I want to use my words to bless, encourage and build up. I never want to be a discourager or destroyer of purpose and destiny. Yet if we are not careful, our careless words can do just that.

James 3:9-10 (AMP) With it (our tongue) we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God. 10 Out of the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. These things, my brothers, should not be this way.

Use your words to bless. Bless is the word of the day. Speak positive words over your life and family today. Your life will be better, one word at a time.