There’s Something Missing!

There’s Something Missing

Kendall Bridges

There’s something missing in our world today,

Way too many have lost their way.

Parents authority is being undermined,

Marriage is being shamelessly redefined.

Gender identity is completely confused,

Drugs are still being rampantly abused.

Alcohol is way too prevalent,

And the Church seems powerless and irrelevant.

Abortion no longer has any shame,

Our culture celebrates a child that is slain.

Mental illness and suicide are enemies of life,

Another life gone, we barely blink an eye.

The youth are just trying to find a way to cope,

While no one seems to be giving them hope.

But there is an answer, and always will be,

His name is Jesus, the hope for you and me.

So, I call on the ones who know what is right,

To just Stand up and be the light.

Quit letting this culture shape your mind,

Dig into Jesus and then you’ll find…

There is a way, that leads to a better life,

It’s not always easy, but it’s always right.

Unless you want to quit and give up the fight.

And say, “Go to hell,” and kiss it good night.

Then someone has to get back what we’ve lost,

And to get it back, there will be a cost.

We’ll have to die to ourselves, and our worldly ways,

Or there’ll be a price, that we’ll all have to pay.

So, it starts right now, right here, this minute,

Every aspect of our life, must have Jesus in it.

So, quit keeping him out, and choosing your way,

Just surrender to Jesus, today and every day.