Good Intentions!

Have you ever been walking out of a retail store and one of the employees says, “Thanks for coming in!” and you reply almost without thinking, “You too!” Or you drive through a toll booth and the cashier says, “Have a nice trip!” and you reply “You too!” Or your waiter says, “Enjoy your meal!” and you say, “You too!”

Each time I have done this, I feel the awkwardness of the words, but it’s too late to change them. The moment has passed. The words have been spoken. They can’t be corrected.

We’ve all done that at one time or another.

That’s why the word of the day is intentional. I want you to be very intentional about every word that is spoken today.

Choose to allow your words to be encouraging, strengthening, empowering, transforming, forgiving, hopeful, daring, bold, courageous and yet still compassionate, healing, helpful, kind, gentle, life-giving and peaceful.

Your words have the power of life and death. Use them wisely.

Ephesians 4:29 (ESV) “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

Who can you build up today?

Who in your life needs grace today?

Choose your words wisely today. It will make your life better.