We Remember!

remember moments


“Remember” is the word of the day. I want you to speak this word over your life, family and marriage today.

Why the word remember? We have a powerful tool called memory. We can choose to edit our memory if we try hard enough. We have the ability to remember the “good times” rather than the “bad times.”

Starla and I were driving two of our grandkids to their home the other day. They had been at our house swimming. We had stopped to get them something to eat. They were scarfing down their food in the backseat of the car. All of a sudden out of nowhere, while holding a grilled cheese sandwich in his hand, our three year old Grandson, Maverick, busted out crying. We asked, what was wrong. He remembered that he was supposed to get some popcorn when he got out of the pool. You would have thought the world was coming to an end.

It is proven that our choice of memory influences how we feel and act. If you control what you think about, you can control the direction of your life.

You do not have to be a victim to bad memories. I know it is easier said than done, but when negative memories come, if you will begin to speak positive memories out loud, the negative memories will have to leave your mind and your focus.

Choose to remember something good today. Choose to remember a moment that made your day. Think about it and be thankful.

Even Jesus taught us in John 14:1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.

Jesus was saying, don’t think about how big your ‘trouble’ is, think about how big your ‘God’ is.